Friday, June 17, 2005

Week 6

June 17, 2005
Okay, so I fended off what I think was about to become morning sickness, and it was actually in the morning! I was starving when I came into work and had a few things to do before I was able to grab part of my breakfast. Not smart! I seriously felt like I was going to throw up if I didn't get anything in my stomach! So, I scarfed down a cereal bar, some Cheerios, and a trail mix bar. And half a cup of coffee. Ahhh...much better! I guess I just have to eat every couple of hours now.

June 15, 2005 - 1st day of my 6th week
I'm getting more and more excited! I can't wait for the doctor's appointment, but it's not for almost 4 weeks! I felt great playing volleyball this week...I think I even performed better than usual :) I'm excited, but I don't want to get too excited, because it's still so early in the pregnancy. My clothes still fit fine, and the only thing I've really experienced is that my boobs hurt...but only sometimes (like when I lay on my stomach). Can't believe I've begun my 6th week!


This is my very first weblog post...ever! I think that pregnancy is an exciting and crazy experience, and I want to make sure I remember it. I'm sure there will be lots of things I write here that I may not want to remember....those posts are meant to be more helpful to anyone out there who is trying to get or already is pregnant and wants to know what to expect or just wants to see if anyone else is going through what they're going through.

Here's a bit of history:We (my husband Mike and I) planned on getting pregnant this year, and were sort of started "trying" in April. I had been doing the whole basal body temperature monitoring thing for a couple of months and also getting my cycle back to normal from the pill (I went off the pill in January). Well, suffice it to say, I forgot to take my temperature several times, which turned into taking my temperature once a week (not regularly, just when I remembered to), the thermometer began collecting dust and eventually got lost under some magazines or something. I went in for a regular checkup to my OB/GYN and talked with her about preparing for pregnancy. She suggested getting an ovulation kit...never thought of it, but I went out and bought one. For those of you out there who don't know what an ovulation predictor kit is: the one I bought was just a generic brand from Walgreens, it had 7 urine testers in it. Each test looks like a pregnancy test. You start testing (preferably first thing in the morning) about 14 - 18 days before your next predicted period. The test will indicate whether a certain hormone is present (it usually peaks around the time of ovulation). You're supposed to be "sexually active" about every other day during the time you're ovulating. Typically, you've got about a 48-hour window for fertilization.

So, we did that whole thing, and a couple of days before I was expecting my period, I took an early pregnancy test (it advertised that you could take it up to 5 days before your missed period). Well, it turned out negative. So, my husband and I were pretty sad, but it was our first try after all. Well, a few days later, I still hadn't gotten my period so I decided to try another pregnancy test. The second pink line faintly appeared...but it was there! Oh my gosh! I ran into the bedroom and woke up my husband to show him the test. It took him a minute to wake up and realize what was going on. But he got really excited and hugged me. Then it kind of grossed me out that I was holding this stick I peed on anywhere outside of the bathroom. We decided not to get too worked up until we took another test, just to make sure.I ended up taking two more tests, both showed the second pink line much darker. We did it! We're pregnant! I should have started this journal earlier, but here we go...


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