Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Week 7

June 21, 2005
Wow, I'm so hungry. This is crazy, I just ate about 5 minutes ago. It's so weird how it just hits. I guess I don't have cravings so much as aversions...scratch that...I have cravings, they're all for carbs! I wanted a croissant yesterday so badly, then this morning only a bagel would do. Right now I could use a baked potato! But I do have some aversions...like: this very second I don't want any soda, coffee, anything creamy, or cheese. I guarantee that will all change in about half an hour!

June 20, 2005 - Beginning of my 7th week
I looked up my progress on line, and the baby is now the size of a lentil bean! A little bean! I still can't believe it. I feel a little sick almost every morning, but I just have to make sure I eat something neutral (lately it's been cereal bars), and I'm usually fine within a half hour or so.

I saw my parents and my sister over the weekend, it was the first time I saw them since I told them I was pregnant. They are all so excited...my sister is so cute, I think she's really excited about being an aunt. My parents are excited too. They want the baby to call them Lolo and Lola (what Filipinos call their grandparents).

So far, I'm still fitting in my "normal" clothes, and I haven't gained any weight. I fluctuate a pound or two up and down, depending on the time of day. I'm excited also because I get to see my college girlfriends this weekend! They don't know about my pregnancy yet, so I'm trying to come up with a fun way of telling them. We usually drink almost the whole time we're together, so they'll notice that I'm not drinking pretty soon!


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