Thursday, July 14, 2005

10th Week

July 14, 2005 - Beginning of my 10th week

Okay, sorry I missed the 9th week...but it was jam-packed with excitement, that's for sure! We're reveling in the joys of new homeownership when the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy blow past us. Very, VERY early Friday morning (June 7), Mike hears a dripping noise in the hallway. we go check it out and our light fixture is dripping water onto the floor! We're pretty freaked out and Mike goes up into the attic while I tap on the ceiling near the fixture so he can figure out where it is. To our dismay, he finds a large area of sopping wet drywall and insulation! The next two days were spent clearing out the attic of the wet insulation, clearing the wet drywall area so that it could dry, and cleaning out all the gutters. We figured the clogged gutters were probably the cause of the leak into the attic. Mike had also found what he thought was a leak in the roof of our attached shed. The water heater is kept in there and there was a large puddle of water below it, and what looked like water damage in the rafters above. So, Mike put some roofing paper and roofing cement up on the roof. But, when his dad came down to visit and they took a look at the attached shed...they discovered that the water heater was leaking, too! The homeowner's version of Murphy's Law: if something looks too good to be true, it probably is! Luckily, the water heater was covered under our warranty! Don't even ask me about the roof, yet...we will have to get it repaired, and maybe even replaced!
On a lighter note, we had our first ultrasound on Tuesday, July 12. It was a little nerve-wrecking, only because I thought I would have to go through with the INTERNAL ultrasound (some of my friends and family had warned me about it already). The technician wanted to try the "regular" ultrasound first, and only if that didn't work, would we then try the internal. Luckily, it DID work! So, I didn't have to stick the LARGE wand up THERE. All that aside, seeing our baby for the first time on that monitor was probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Our little baby was wiggling around and putting on a show! We could see the heart beating, and then the tech let us listen to it! It was wild, I tell you! To know that little guy (or girl) is working so hard and growing inside of me. I'm tearing up as I type this. :)

So, check out the ultrasound pictures we got. Look how sweet my baby is! They're so great, I could look at those pictures all day!

Last week, my sister and her husband finally had their housewarming party. They've been in their house for months, but finally felt settled in and decided to have a bunch of people over.

Below is a photo taken at my sister's house with my cousins and their significant others. Mike and I are in the back corner.

This is a cute picture of my sister in her (and her husband's) garden in their back yard. They had grapes, zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes! I was really impressed...I can barely grow basil!


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