Tuesday, July 19, 2005

10 Full Weeks

July 19, 2005 - End of Week 10

Warning, this might be TMI (Too Much Information) for any of the wonderful fathers-to-be out there reading this, so you guys might want to just go ahead and close down this window and check back another time for my next post...but I'm going to talk about constipation.

I sort of knew about it already (I did, after all, read Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy...a great book, by the way). But I had yet to experience it...until about 2 or 3 weeks ago. OH MY. I never had to go so badly, and my friends and I always (ALWAYS) talk about our bowel movements and how regular we are. Being pregnant messes all that up (sorry girls!). I used to have a BM every morning, no fail. If I didn't, then I felt really weird, like I was too full or something. Well, one hot day a few weeks ago, I thought I was feeling that urge, so I went to the bathroom and....NOTHING! I was probably on the toilet pushing and trying different positions for about 15 minutes and nothing came out. Something WANTED to come out, very much, but nothing actually did. I was sweating and holding on to the walls and everything!! I was actually thinking to myself, "Maybe this is some sort of preparation for childbirth!" Finally, I just had to give up and leave the bathroom, in hopes that something would clear me out later.

On a good note, that was really the worst of it (so far!). I'm not as regular as I would like to be, but eating fiber and drinking lots of water does actually help! If you get tired of drinking so much water, try adding a couple of slices of lemon or drinking sparkling water (that with lemon is really great, you don't even think you're drinking water!).

Anyway, so I'm officially 10 full weeks pregnant, and I'm feeling MUCH better. No more real morning sickness, and my energy is on the upswing! I think I'm getting into the stage of pregnancy that most people think of when they talk about a glowing pregnant woman. Woohoo!!!


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