Friday, July 22, 2005

11th Week

July 22, 2005 - Well into my 11th week

I wanted to make sure that I recorded all of the strange cravings and aversions I've been having. I always ask moms what theirs were, and most of the time (unless they're a new mom) they can't really remember. So, here goes: Currently, I cannot STAND the smell of the coffee in my office break room...and there is always coffee in the coffee pot. I have cut myself back to 1 cup of coffee per day, and now I have to make my own at home and bring it to work. Not a big deal since the coffee I have at home is much better, anyway! :)

I have been trying (sometimes to no avail) to stay away from foods that aren't as healthy, but sometimes those are the only kinds of foods that I can stand eating at the time. Ramen noodles are a staple, as well as corn on the cob, I think I eat an entire lemon every day, and lately chocolote pudding!I guess it's good that I'm almost done with my first trimester, because although my baby is only 0.5 ounces, I've gained 9 pounds already! Grrrr....


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