Wednesday, July 27, 2005

12th Week

July 27, 2005 - Beginning of my 12th week

Okay, so I was wrong...NOW my baby is 0.5 ounces, but at least I haven't gained anymore weight! Holding steady at 9 pounds...The baby is around 2 inches long (the size of a lime, I've read) and almost all of the internal organs are completely formed!

So, I'm almost finished with my first trimester, and my pants are all beginning to feel tight. I bought a pair of pants 1 size larger than I normally wear, but it's still too big, so I also bought some belts :) I did buy a couple of new bras in a larger cup size the other day, too. Mike was excited about that! He actually even picked out a not-so-practical bra in the larger cup size...though he'll have to work on making me feel sexy enough to actually wear it!

Mike has been a great father-to-be! He's been cleaning a lot (at least once a week), and he cleans up after the cats every day since I can't change the cat litter anymore. Every night when we're relaxing and winding down from the day, he says hi to our baby and talks to him/her. It's very sweet to watch, and I just sit quietly and listen to him talk :)

So, I bet some of you out there are wondering if we've picked out any names yet. Well, we have a few of each. If we have a girl, we like the names: Madeline, Abigail, Olivia, Rachel, Emma, Taylor, and Penelope. If we have a boy, we like: Tyler, Brian, Joshua, Daniel, Andrew, and Christopher.


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