Tuesday, August 02, 2005

12 Weeks

August 2, 2005 - 12 full weeks

So, I'm 12 weeks today! Done with my first trimester, beginning the second...the baby is between 2 and 3 inches long and still less than 1 ounce. I'm still holding at a 9-pound weight gain.

Several weeks ago, I made a big issue to Mike about how it wasn't just me who was pregnant, I told him WE'RE pregnant together. So, why is it that he's losing weight while I gain it?! I told him that he better start gaining some, so that at my heaviest, he'll still weigh more than me (before I was pregnant, there was about a 30-lb difference between us, and since then I've gained 9 lbs and he's lost 5!). I CANNOT weigh more than my husband!

So, cravings...hmm...nothing major again, but it seems that I've eaten macaroni and cheese for the past two days. My sister-in-law sent out pictures of her daughter's birthday party, in which there were some cupcakes...so all of a sudden I was craving cupcakes and had to go out during my lunch hour and pick up some :) I only ate one, though!

My parents came down to visit us over the weekend. I think they're really excited about their first grandchild. I showed them all the baby's presents we've received already. I want my mom to come with me to look for maternity clothes. She probably won't believe how different the clothes are now compared to when she was pregnant!

Our 12-week check-up is this Thursday, where I assume we'll be able to hear the heartbeat again and give the doctor an update on the pregnancy. I tried to prepare Mike for the possibility of a miscarriage. It's hard to think about, but I also don't want to get so excited about the baby that letdown will be difficult to accept. So, if you're sort of prepared, I think that getting over it might be a little easier.

So as not to end on a sad note, we did decide on the theme for the nursery! It's Noah's Ark, and specifically this wonderful crib bedding set I found called Noah's Patch. Check it out:
http://www.babydreams.com/noah.html. It seems like a cute set that can be either for a boy or a girl, depending on the colors that are accentuated.


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