Friday, August 05, 2005

Week 13

August 5, 2005 - Into Week 13 (Finished the first trimester!)

Well, I started the day off with us leaving a little late for work, because I couldn't find any pants in my closet that fit me! I finally decided on a pair that I bought 1 size larger than I normally wear just for this reason, but it's still too big right now. My sister-in-law was gracious enough to loan me a couple of smaller maternity pants to help get me by until I can go shopping this weekend :) It was getting really frustrating! One reason is that you're a little constipated all the time. I poop every day, but just not a whole lot (where I used to have a really nice, decent-sized big poop every morning at around 10 am, after my coffee had it's chance to get through my system). So there's always a stash of poo in you. I never feel completely cleared out! Maybe one day I'll eat a lot of fiber and drink tons of water and hope that will clear me out again ;)

So, we had our 12-week checkup at the obstetrician yesterday afternoon...we heard the baby's heart beating and our doctor (who is very sweet and friendly!) said that everything looked great! I've gained 2 pounds since our last checkup (4 weeks ago), which I think is right. We have to decide whether or not to get a cystic fibrosis test in the next couple of months. Since I'm Filipino, I have a low probability of being a carrier (all asians have a low carrier probability), but Mike is caucasian and has a higher probability of being a carrier. We're going to check with our insurance to see if they'll cover the testing, and if they do we'll get the test performed. If not, I don't know. We may still get it performed...

Oh, I have stopped eating so many lemons, by the way, because the enamel on my teeth was wearing down! As great as they tasted and made me feel, my teeth started becoming really sensitive, so I had to stop :( Oh well!


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