Tuesday, October 11, 2005

22 Weeks

October 11, 2005 - 22 Full Weeks

Today I am officially 22 weeks pregnant. Wow! Sometimes it seems like time is flying by, and other times I feel like it's creeping...but all in all, I really can't believe I'm over halfway through my pregnancy. My little boy has been kicking and moving around quite a bit. Sometimes I will completely forget what I'm doing if he moves, and I find myself concentrating on him and what I'm feeling. It's so amazing. And Mike has finally been able to feel the little guy move. I think it was only the other morning, I knew he was kicking, and I put Mike's hand on my belly, and he felt our baby! He was so excited! I love that he finally was able to feel the little guy.

I've disovered my favorite time of day...in the morning, right after the alarm clock goes off. Since I don't get up very quickly anymore, Mike gets up and hits snooze on the alarm (we have the alarm clock on the other side of the room from our bed). After he hits the snooze button, he crawls back into bed and snuggles behind me, and puts his hand on my belly. The alarm will go off and he'll hit snooze at least 2 more times. But each time, he always crawls back in bed and snuggles with me. When I finally decide to get up and take my morning shower, he never lets me go right away...he always tries to keep me next to him and I have to pry myself away. It's crazy...Mike has figured out how to make me look forward to waking up in the morning!


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