Monday, August 29, 2005

15 Weeks

August 29, 2005 - 15 Weeks (Actually, almost 16 weeks)

We had a busy week last week! Mike and I went to the Outer Banks, NC and rented a beach house with two of his brothers and their families. Other family members dropped by and spent time with all of us at the house and on the beach, too. It was a fun and relaxing week, and we got a taste of what the future holds for us (Mike's brothers each have a daughter over 1-year- old). So good to get away for awhile!
Here are some pictures from the week...this first one is a huge family picture with us, both of Mike's brothers, their wives, two of his cousins, Mike's dad and stepmom, and three nieces...whew!
Here's just a cute one of Mike and I at the beach house:

So, I have my 16-week check-up on Wednesday. I've read that you can tell what gender the baby is by now, so I'm going to beg my doctor to do an ultrasound and see if we can tell what gender the baby is. I can wait until my 20-week appointment, but if we can find out now, why not?!

I'm feeling my uterus getting bigger now. I can really feel it (my uterus) shift inside me when I've been laying in one position for a while and then switch positions or get up. I also hear that around now is when you start feeling the baby move inside you. So far, nothing yet, but I probably could have felt it and just thought it was gas!


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