Monday, August 15, 2005

End of Week 14

August 15, 2005 - 14 Weeks

Well, tomorrow I will be 14 weeks along. Where has all the time gone? By tomorrow, our baby should be about 3-1/2 inches long (crown to rump) and weigh 1-1/2 ounces. I actually haven't weighed myself in a while, so I couldn't tell you if I've gained any weight, though I do feel much more comfortable in the maternity pants I bought before!

Over the weekend, Mike and I went to Camp Jeep in the Poconos (along with his brothers, his brothers' wives, and their daughters). It was a blast, let me tell you!! I was so excited to be back and taking our stock Jeep Grand Cherokee off-road. I'm always surprised at what it can do, even though Mike is probably going to take a look under the hood and beneath the body to make sure nothing horrible is wrong with it. Regardless, I think that Marty (the Jeep) did really well. Anyway, we weren't jostled around too much, all the pregnant women and babies are fine :)
This is a photo of the staging area for a trail ride.

Here I am getting ready for the trail ride to start:

There were a lot of activities to keep us busy (rock climbing, BMX bike courses, Jeep on and off-road courses, and all-terrain skateboarding), so here's Mike trying out the AT skateboarding course:

And here's his brother Jay on the same one:

Jay ended up falling inthe mud while he was trying out the BMX course...we had to capture the result for posterity!


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