Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Week 19

September 14, 2005 - Beginning of Week 19

Okay, so week 19 has not begun with me in the best of moods. I've been feeling a little under the weather (sore throat, dull headache, nausea) for the past day and a half, although I’m feeling a little better right now. I am not someone who remembers my dreams (I only say that because I read somewhere that EVERYONE dreams every night, and it’s just a matter of remembering what you dream). Anyway, I’ve remembered two very vivid dreams in the past few weeks. The first one was about Mike cheating on me (I was pregnant in my dream, too). In my dream, he met someone at work and their relationship gradually flourished while ours fizzled. I was devastated and crying to my mom in my dream when I woke up, only to find that I was crying when I woke up, too. I had the second dream just a couple of days ago, where I started going into labor right NOW (4 ½ months along) and my baby died because it was so small.

I know that many women dream a lot about things like that during their pregnancies, maybe because those are things they worry about (getting bigger and their partner becoming unattracted to them, not being able to take care of their baby, etc.), but I didn’t think I was THAT worried about those things. The things most prevalent in my mind are worries about not being prepared to bring home the baby or not having enough money after the baby is born. Maybe I’m subconsciously worried about those other things?

Anyway, my mood lightened when we received a package from my very sweet sister and her husband. They sent us a bunch of cute baby clothes (not going to say what color!), and they had made a little onesy with “I love volleyball” printed on the front! So cute!

Our baby is now about 8 inches long (I’m guessing that’s head to foot, not head to rump anymore), and weighs about 7 ounces. The baby’s fingerprints and inner ear are developing…so he/she will start detecting sound! Now would probably be a good time to buy some baby books that Mike can start reading at night to our baby.


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