Friday, September 09, 2005

Week 18

September 9, 2005 - Into Week 18

I think I felt the baby move for the first time yesterday! I was in the bathroom at work and I felt what I thought was gas, but I felt it again a few seconds later and it felt more like a muscle twitch from where my uterus is. So, I'm thinking that maybe it was the baby :) That's what I want to think, anyway!

Other than that, it has been a fairly uneventful. I bought a few more maternity clothes. If I get most of my clothes on sale, I don't feel so bad about buying new clothes. I don't think that pregnant women should feel that they have to wear so much fabric and cover up the fact that they're pregnant. From what I've seen in magazines and photos, it serves to make you look even bigger! I love the clothes they have out now, more form-fitting and very flattering! Besides, we're planning to have more kids, so I'll use these clothes again in a couple of years.

I've begun the "nesting" phase everyone talks about. It's not so much that I want to get the baby's room ready, but that I want to get the whole entire HOUSE ready. We don't have any real accessories up, so it's very stark and crisp inside. I want to make it more homey, but I realized last night that I have no idea what I want it to look like!

Mike has been so great, though. He said that he hoped our child would inherit a lot of my qualities, but I hoped that he/she would inherit more of Mike's. Then, I just completely broke into a sobfest! I couldn't see one good quality of mine that I would want our child to inherit! I felt like a crazy person, but I couldn't stop crying and thinking of how great my husband is and that our baby would be so lucky if he or she were more like my husband than me! Well, Mike was really good, and hugged me and comforted me and got me some Kleenex when snot started running out my nose. And he didn't even look disgusted or annoyed...he's so great :) I need to remember that (all you difficult pregnant women, remember this, too) he's totally there to support me. He always offers to do anything he can to help, and he has really made things easier for me. So, if your husband/partner/significant other is busting their butt trying to make your life easier, let them drink an extra beer if they want or let them buy that video game, better yet...let them know how grateful you are :)


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