Friday, September 30, 2005

20 Week Ultrasound!

September 30, 2005 - Over 20 Weeks

Good news! We had our 20-week check-up yesterday, including the big ultrasound!
So, the ultrasound technician was really nice and told us everything she was doing. It took about 20 minutes for just the ultrasound, and she measured parts of the brain, the head circumference, around the torso, and the length of bones in the arms and legs. She also looked at several of the baby's internal organs, watched the heart as it pumped and made sure all the valves and chambers looked good, and she checked the blood flow from the umbilical cord.

We also made certain what the sex of the baby was, and there is no doubt now that it's a boy!!
He's very active in there, he kept moving around and kicking his umbilical cord while we watched him. We also saw him completely flip over! When we started the ultrasound, he was on his stomach, and he flipped over to his back :) So cute!

Mike and I are so excited, and relieved that everything is normal and that the baby is healthy. He weighs 1 pound and is 10.5 inches long :)


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