Tuesday, September 20, 2005

19 Weeks

September 20, 2005 - 19 Weeks Along

I woke up yesterday morning to what felt like a couple of muscle spasms in my abdomen. I realized it may have been the baby kicking or moving, so I lay still a little longer and felt one more! It is just the most exciting thing...kind of freaky, in a way...but still really exciting. I try to lay or sit still a few times a day to see if I can feel the baby move, but I find myself holding my breath when I do, which probably isn't the best thing! Anyway, as excited as I am about feeling the baby myself, I really can't wait until the movements are strong enough for Mike to feel.

We bought a book the other day so that Mike could start reading to the baby. It's a really sweet book called "God Gave Us You" by Lisa Bergren. I absolutely love it, I got a little choked up while I read it.

Well, I still have a bit of a cold right now. My doctor gave me a list of medicines I'm allowed to take, but as of now, I've only taken Tylenol for muscle and head aches. I did go to the store to try and find some of the stuff from the list, but they didn't even have anything I would be able to take. Ahh well, I'm trying the good old chicken soup, orange juice and tea for now.


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