Tuesday, October 25, 2005

24 Weeks

October 25, 2005 - 24 Weeks

Awesome! I'm 6 months along, but still have 16 weeks until my due date...how messed up is that :) That's still 4 more months!

My friend Sharon brought up a thought about having this little being grow inside you for so long and then leave you in such a dramatic way. It is so strange sometimes, when I think about what's actually going on inside me! When I can feel him move and sometimes even SEE him move through my belly, it's so wild! I'm excited most of the time, and I completely stop what I'm doing and just sit there and wait to see if he'll move again. But then another part of me doesn't ever want him to come out, because I know how safe he is inside me, and I won't always be able to make sure he's that safe once he's born...it's so strange what you think about. I'm sure that when I get bigger and when it gets hard for me to walk/sit/move I'll be counting the days until my due date!

I'm still playing volleyball, and I'm always amazed at how good I'm still feeling. I seriously thought I'd be on the sidelines by now, but when I'm out on the court I feel so good. Mind you, I'm not diving or sprinting, but the activity feels awesome. I am definitely going to miss it when I have to stop, but hopefully I'll be able to bounce back quickly after the baby's born.

Mike and I are going to start looking at furniture for the nursery soon! Hopefully today, but it's not that pressing. I'm still blown away by everything we still need to get. How did people raise children 200 years ago? They certainly didn't have a battery-operated bouncer or disposable diapers! Did women just strap the babies on their backs and go work in the fields? But it's amazing, because even with all these "luxuries", raising a baby is still a lot of work. I sure hope I'm ready for it!


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