Wednesday, November 16, 2005

27 Weeks

November 16, 2005 - 27 Weeks and 1 day

I'm in my 3rd trimester! I am luckily feeling very well, although I've stopped playing volleyball because I've been more tired during the games and my knee has really been bothering me. I last played on Sunday night (the 13th) and my team did really well, so I was happy to end my season on a high note! The team we played against had a horrible attitude, though! Between plays, during a dead ball, one of them kicked the volleyball so that it almost hit me in my belly. She has no aim, mind you, and she likes to kick the ball quite often instead of just rolling it on the ground to get it to the other team. Luckily, I was behind the net (on our side of the court) and I was able to deflect it in time. I just glared at her while she said "I'm sorry" with such an attitude that it was obvious she wasn't sincere. Another woman on her team said, "That's what you get if you play volleyball pregnant."!!!! THE NERVE of her! So, is she saying that the second she finds out she's pregnant, she's going to plop herself down on the couch and not exercise? Volleyball may be a little rougher than walking or swimming, but it's certainly NOT as much of a contact sport as basketball or soccer! At least if I was playing soccer, I would know to expect a ball KICKED at me. Anyway, all the women on my team have kids and ALL of them have played volleyball while they were they were all pretty fired up about the other team member's comment. In the end, we beat them 2 games to 1, and that definitely made my evening!

WHEW!! Sorry about the ranting, but I just thought that most women would be pretty understanding! Needless to say, I've decided it best to stop playing until after the baby's born. Mike is training for a marathon in November 2006, so after he runs in the evenings, we'll walk together for 20 minutes or so. I also bought a couple of pregnancy workout videos. I really like the first one (The Perfect Pregnancy Workout, hosted by an ex Cirque de Soleil acrobat!) because it helps strengthen and tone your arms, legs, back, and abs but in a way that's not strenuous. You also do Kegel exercises! I haven't tried the second one yet. That one is by Yoga Journal called Yoga for Your Pregnancy. I'll let you know how that goes!

Some days I cannot wait for the baby to arrive, and then other days I feel like there's too much to do to prepare, and we've barely scratched the surface! I don't just mean things like painting the nursery or getting more organized...I get so scared sometimes about how my relationship with Mike will change. I LOVE it now, we are always there for each other and always supportive of one another. He is my stability, but also my fun and laughter! I can see him being a wonderful father, and us together being great parents, but I guess I just don't want to lose any of the closeness and intimacy we've enjoyed for the past several years. I told Mike that I'm now anxious because, even though I always want to be with him and I love him to death, I never felt like I needed him until I was pregnant. In this day and age, I know there are many successful single parents out there, and I don't know if that's necessarily what I think I need him for...but he and the baby are my whole life now....they're my family.

Some days I still don't feel so big, but there are other days when I do, and on those days I feel huge! I've also been having trouble getting to sleep at night. The past week or two, I've finally been able to fall asleep at around 1:00 in the morning. I think that's mostly because I'm more comfortable sitting up than lying down. Ahhh, the joys of pregnancy!


At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About time you moved to blogspot! Now I can see how big you are! :) BTW, I have both of blogs backed up on my HD so don't worry about loosing anything.


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Reesh said...

Yay! Now we can see more pictures as your pregnancy progresses!!

At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I don't know if you still check this page, but I'd like to know a few things!! I am a volleyball player since 1992. I'm 32 years old and I just found out I'm pregnant!!
Afte a short conversation I had with my doctor, he told me I have to stop playing volleyball :( Did you have any problems playing volleyball during your pregnancy? Did you had to avoid some things??
I' d really like to hear your opinion! Regards, Kelly

At 11:53 AM, Blogger sheryl uglis said...

Hi all! I've been playing sand VB for 5 years and I am STILL playing and 4 weeks from my due date. My doctor ok'd it as long as I protect the belly from the ball. Those women are crazy - you should never kick the ball anyway that's how I broke a finger. My doctor deals w/a lot of women involved in sports and he said as long as you still feel good! Good for you for continuing to play!


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