Wednesday, November 30, 2005

29 Weeks

November 30, 2005 - 29 Weeks

Only 11 weeks to go! It seems so short when it's said like that...but it's still 3 months away. That's good, though, because we're still not quite ready for the baby to arrive. Part of me wants him here so badly, I want to hold him and see him, but I want his room ready and I want us to be prepared with everything we'll need for him, too. Speaking of which, the nursery is finally getting closer to becoming a nursery! Mike has been cleaning it out and taking things up to the attic. He's been doing a really good job...there was a LOT of crap in there! We still need to paint the walls and fix up my dresser (which I plan to use as the baby's dresser/changing table). Those tasks will have to be done on a weekend, though!
We had a great Thanksgiving was nice to relax and sleep in! I've been having trouble getting to sleep at night, but I can't figure out why. We have dinner at a reasonable time, and if I drink caffinated drinks, it's usually in the mornings. Maybe it's because I haven't been able to work out this week...hmmm...I'll work out tonight before "Lost" comes on and see if that helps!
On Sunday, we put up and decorated our Christmas tree! It's right in front of our living room window, and it looks gorgeous! I love Christmas, and having the tree up is so wonderful...I even sewed a couple of Christmas stockings last night (the second one turned out much better than the first one!). Maybe I can get Mike to put the lights up outside this weekend :)
My knee has been killing me lately. I had arthroscopic knee surgery several years ago, and it's been more irritated these past few months (if I keep my knee bent for too long, I have to straighten it out slowly and stretch out the ligaments before I stand and walk anywhere, or else I'm limping). My doctor said that the soreness should go away after I have the baby, otherwise I can go to a specialist and have it looked at. Let's hope it heals after the baby's born!


At 4:15 PM, Blogger Reesh said...

Looking good! Sorry to hear about the knee, it's too bad you have to deal with that on top of being pregnant and trying to get ready...

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Avorie said...

Believe it or not, you're ahead of us when it comes to the nursery. We have done absolutely nothing! Right now my mom is staying there (long story). We need to switch the guest room to the work room (which means cleaning it out) so that I can get my ever growing collection of baby gear out of hallway!


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