Thursday, December 01, 2005

29 Weeks and 2 days

December 1, 2005 - Over 29 weeks along

I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, because I really think that I've had a very easy pregnancy, compared to people I've talked to and things I've read about. I just want to make sure I have some record of all the things that are happening to my body and what I'm experiencing.

So, here we go: Twice already this morning I've had to rush to the bathroom with the strongest urge to pee, only to get there and have almost nothing come out! It's as if the baby's pushing down on my bladder to make me think I have to use the bathroom, and once I get there he moves and I don't have to go anymore! The little guy's gonna be a troublemaker :)

I'm still having trouble getting to sleep at night. I don't have any trouble staying asleep (i.e. no middle-of-the-night runs to the bathroom or anything), but I haven't gotten to sleep before 1:00 AM in a long time. Lately, I've been so exhausted that I can't function here at work unless I have some tea or juice (or both!).

I haven't felt any more Braxton-Hicks contractions since the first time, unless they feel different every time...but those were pretty intense last week, and I haven't felt anything close to that since then.

I do find that I'm a lot clumsier with my big belly :) I've lost my balance doing simple things, like reaching over to get something or anything with bending over, really! I've caught myself every single time, although the worst time was when I fell off the couch trying to reach for something on the floor that was too far away! I'm also not entirely aware of how far my belly really sticks out. I've almost burned myself a few times while cooking and reaching over something on the stove. My belly will touch the edge of the stove and then I realize that I can't move any further! No burns yet :)

I do love to rub my belly, though! It's so round! I still can't believe there's a little baby in there (not so little, really...he's about 15 inches long!). I've noticed that he'll kick more when I'm talking (maybe because he recognizes my voice?) and singing. I'm singing a lot of Christmas songs now, so we might end up having to play him "Silent Night" as a regular lullaby! I like to think he's trying to talk to me when he's kicking and punching :)


At 8:34 PM, Blogger Reesh said...

I constantly underestimate how far my belly sticks out when I try to squeeze myself behind things like people or chairs. It make me laugh everytime.

I think it's good to keep track of ALL your pregnancy symptoms, good or bad, for future reference and who knows, maybe to pass on to your children when they are of child bearing age. There will be no pregnancy book out there quite as helpful as the one their mother worte, which is why it's good to be honest...

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Corinne said...

Virginia? Pregnant? 29 weeks!? HEY!!! That's exactly like me... cept I'm like 28 weeks... I agree about keeping track of symptoms.. it helps!! And venting online is wonderful!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Avorie said...

Me too! I'm 28 weeks along.

Hubby thinks I'm disturbing the baby when I rub my belly, but I know she likes it. It's becoming much more fun as I can pick out body parts that are sticking out and I love to feel around to see how she's lying.

She gets the hicups at least three times a day now.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Corinne said...

BTW, hope it's okay that I linked to you :)


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