Wednesday, December 21, 2005

For Posterity

December 22, 2005 - 32 weeks and 2 days!
Only 3 days until Christmas! Hope everyone's done with their shopping...luckily, we are :)
Some more wonderful things about pregnancy that I don't want to forget :)
1. Swelling. This has probably been the most uncomfortable feeling for me. My hands and lower legs are only slightly swollen, but enough to be uncomfortable. I can still fit my wedding rings on my ring finger, but my hands constantly feel tight. It's more pronounced in the mornings with my hands, but with my legs it's more in the evenings (after walking around all afternoon). I've taken to wearing the low ankle socks, since they don't cut into my calves. My legs look so gross at the end of the day if I wear taller trouser socks...there's a definite indentation from them!
2. Along with the swelling in my hands, I've also started to feel a hint of carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands. It's mostly when I make a tight fist (especially with my right hand), or if I'm holding something for a longer period of time (like my hairdryer, toothbrush, or curling iron. This morning, I was curling my hair and my hand started to ache, then I got a hint of numbness in that arm holding the curling iron. Once I brought my hand down and shook it out a little, it was better.
3. Feeling the baby kick. That is still a wonderful feeling! I never get tired of feeling him move around...I think he had the hiccups yesterday, it was so funny to watch my belly! The other night, Mike and I were in bed and my belly was pressed against his side, and our baby kicked him! Mike was completely amazed at how strong the movement was :) And right now, I can feel him moving's just an amazing experience!
4. Having the feeling that you need to go to the bathroom and when you get there, 3 drops come out. But you need to go every time, because sometimes it's a decent amount that comes just never know.
Well, I had my 32 week check-up yesterday...and everything is totally fine. Nothing out of the ordinary...I talked to my doctor about all the swelling, carpal tunnel feelings, and numbness and she said that was all normal. It's good to hear that :)
Mike and I went to our final childbirth class last night, too. We learned more about cesareans, practiced breathing, and did a mock birth (no real pushing, though!). I don't feel like I will know exactly what to do in every situation during labor, but at least now I know what to expect during each stage and I'm not so afraid of labor anymore! I'm even considering going the natural childbirth route...but I'm just CONSIDERING it! :)


At 2:49 PM, Blogger Corinne said...

:) Yay on the natural childbirth route... Forrest and I have a pact. If I make it to 5 cm, and feel I can go the rest of the way w/o the meds... great! But if I'm not handling 5 cm's that well... then bring on the meds. :)

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Reesh said...

You can totally do a natural childbirth. If you are at a hospital ask for a bathub to labour in. It's what we plan to do and from everything I've read it basically sounds like a liquid epidural - releaving all kinds of pain and taking the weight off your belly. It also allows you to completely relax and turn your brain off to let your body do what it knows how to do. This is all with the added bonus of still being in control of your limbs and not being restricted to one position laying on your back on a bed. If you want book recommendations let me know...

Happy Holidays!


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