Wednesday, December 14, 2005

31 Weeks and overemotional

December 14, 2005 - 31 Weeks and 1 day

Mike doesn't like this picture, but I do! Since he doesn't want me to send them out in our Christmas cards, I'm putting it up here :)
So, this week hasn't been horrible, but it has been a little trying. My emotions seem to be riding a little roller coaster, lately! We were getting ready to go Christmas shopping over the weekend, and I couldn't find a comfortable way to bend over and tie my shoes. I asked Mike if he could help me, but while he was tying the first shoe I started crying and left the room! Why?? Who knows? I had a split second thought that I was too much of a burden on him or that he didn't like helping me (both very NOT true!) . Mike followed me and asked what was wrong, and of course reassured me that he didn't feel any of those things!
I've been feeling really big this week, too...sometimes fat, but not really. It's mostly that my belly feels huge! Eating a meal makes me feel overstuffed and full to the point it's really uncomfortable. I just try to graze on food throughout the day...AND drink my water! (Still working on that)
I had a horrible bout of gas last night, too! I think it may have been the KFC mashed potatoes I had for lunch...gotta remember that. They weren't that great anyway, I was craving REAL mashed potatoes and had to settle for those. A bad idea all around! I think that's what gave me such horrible gas pains. Mike was a little worried b/c in our Childbirth Class the instructor said that early labor can feel like gas. Since they went away that night, I reassured him that I wasn't going into labor :)
My clumsiness has also increased this week! It's actually funny, but I'm always bumping into something or bruising my arm or hand. We were in the check-out line at the grocery store and Mike wanted to push the shopping cart past me to the person who was bagging our groceries, and I SWEAR I thought the cart and I could fit in that aisleway! It's funny, but I know exactly what space my car can fit in and how much room I need to parallel park, squeeze by traffic, etc., but I can't figure out how much room I take up now!
As evidenced by the time I'm submitting this post, I just cannot concentrate on work lately! I keep thinking of things we still need to do to get ready for the baby, what to pack in my hospital bag, what I need to do for seems endless! Hopefully I'll get a decent amount of work done today :)
Happy Wednesday!


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Corinne said...

:) SUCH a cute picture... and I totally understand about the bending over. I have the same problems. Hope you guys have a great time shopping this weekend!

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Reesh said...

I hear you on the clumsiness! Mine just started recently and it's very bizarre. I feel dizzy often and I keep walking into things. Last night when I went pee I full on walked into a wall and now I have all these little bruises down my left arm!!


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